An emergency fund is a specific amount of money that you set aside for periods of uncertainty or suffering. One example is your HVAC breaking in the middle of the summer. Many people don’t even know about the significance of emergency funds until something breaks. Then, once people realize how often disasters, damage, or other inconveniences can strike at any time, preparedness becomes a crucial part of their lifestyle.
Stay in the know with Advantage Insight
How to have the Best Summer without Busting your Budget
Summer’s here, school’s out, and vacation is around the corner! You want to make this the best summer yet. Trouble is, the costs for all that fun can add up and sink your savings’ goals in the process. The good news is that with a little planning, you and your family can enjoy all that summer has to offer, without busting your budget.
Headlines and Fine Print with Dion Williams
Piedmont Advantage Credit Union joins 600 WSJS of Winston Salem for a new morning Talk Radio show! Truth Broadcasting has flipped Sports 600 WSJS Winston-Salem NC and its four translators to a combination of Talk and Sports as of Monday, June 6. WSJS will add a local morning show “Triad Today” hosted by Jeffrey Griffin from 7-10am. The local Sports show “The Drive” hosted by ...
Straight Out of College: Tips Towards Financial Success for Recent College Graduates
Congratulations! You have made it to the real world! You got your first ‘real’ job and you’re feeling on top of the world excited for new adventures. But now what? Where do you go from here? Here’s a few reminders about how to stay financially responsible.
Welcome to PACU, JT Wall
JT Wall joins our consumer lending team as a Lending Processor. JT said his experience so far at PACU "has been an amazing experience."
Welcome to PACU, Yesenia Maldonado
We're honored to announce that Yesenia Maldonado has joined PACU as a Member Relationship Team (MRT) Representative.
Welcome, Amy Sand, to PACU
Amy Sands has joined PACU as Senior Accountant, supporting the financial management and operations of the Credit Union.
Conway and Semones earn certification
Debi Conway (right) and Jobana Semones become Certified Credit Union Financial Counselors through CUNA's Financial Counseling Certification Program.
Congratulations, Radha Karmamched
Piedmont Advantage’s BSA Compliance Analyst Radha Karmamched earned her Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Specialist (BSACS) Certification.
Marketing Intern Emily Winberg
PACU has taken on its first-ever marketing intern. Welcome Emily Winberg, a rising senior at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.