Dion is back in the studio this week and we are talking about how to recession proof your finances. How do you cancel debt? What tactics can you use to pay off high interest credit card debt? Make sure you check that fine print in your credit card statement. Every paycheck is a chance to get your finances on track! Jeffrey and Dion also touch on emergency fund planning and how ...
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Headlines and Fine Print with Dion Williams: Episode 10
Welcome back to our 10th episode with Jeffrey Griffin and Dion Williams. It is always better to know what you are getting into before you sign anything when it comes to your finances. They discuss end of the year tax information, donations, giving to charities, and the correct documentation needed for your taxes. The two discuss inflation and how that will affect your ...
Headlines and Fine Print with Dion Williams: Episode 11
Dion and Jeffrey are back in the studio discussing the topics that are near to you! Sandwich generations are becoming more and more prevalent. The two discuss what this topic is and how are you going to navigate caring for both your parents and your own family? Are there accounts that exist that you need to know about when it comes to your families? Dion a ...
Financial Aid 101: How to Get College Scholarships & Grants
Need some Financial Aid 101 to find out how to pay for college? Piedmont Advantage Credit Union explains how and where to get scholarships and grants.
College Isn’t the Only Path: Alternatives to a Four-Year Program
While college is the obvious next step for many North Carolina high school graduates, it isn’t the only one. Today, about 30% of grads choose not to attend college, and that number could rise with the increasing cost of tuition, student loans and the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether college seems out of reach financially or you’d prefer to start adulthood in a different way, consider ...
Headlines and Fine Print with Dion Williams: Episode 9
Dion is back in the studio with Jeffrey Griffin. They are joined by special guest, Carla Hooker, one of our CFS Financial Advisors to share what she does as a financial advisor. CFS is an acronym for CUSO Financial Services, L.P.Today, the three dive into what a certified financial planner is and what they can help you accomplish. Carla helps in clarifying questions around tax ...
PACU Foundation announces $18,000 in contributions
The PACU Foundation gifted a total of $18,000 to six charities to increase their capacity to help North Carolina residents in times of financial hardship.
Headlines and Fine Print with Dion Williams: Episode 8
Welcome back to the studio with Dion Williams and Jeffrey Griffin! In Episode 8, Dion and Jeffrey dive into the auto buying world. What options are out there for you? What do you need to look at or need to know when you are trading your vehicle for another? Dion will also discuss the importance of prequalifying for a loan before you go to the dealership. Tune in to learn the an ...
Headlines and Fine Print with Dion Williams: Episode 7
Welcome back again to the studio with Dion Williams and Jeffrey Griffin! As always, Dion sheds light on the fine print.The two discuss the ins and outs of the "Buy Now, Pay Later" feature that many use in our retail world.Instant gratification can be great, but what is it really costing you? Check that fine print, make sure you look at your statements, check your automatic dr ...
Headlines and Fine Print with Dion Williams: Episode 6
Hello Winston Salem and PACU Family! Dion is back in the WSJS studio with Jeffrey Griffin. During this segment, the two are joined by PACU's own Jobana Semones as the three discuss the new Youth Program that just launched at Piedmont Advantage. Semones sheds light on a very important topic surrounding our younger generation today; lack of financial literacy. Listen in as th ...